GreenThumb Lawn Disease Management

Lawn diseases have a significant impact on your grass plants, affecting your turf’s general aesthetic and vitality.

Your lawn can be susceptible to many diseases throughout the year, some are a result of poor lawn maintenance, whereas others will appear regardless of your lawn care regime. Weather conditions can stress your lawn encouraging diseases such as red thread, leaf spot, Microdochium patch (fusarium,) snow mould and dollar spot. In any of these cases we’re prepared with a cultural programme with lawn disease control products to help the lawn and if necessary a lawn fungicide treatment which reduces the activity of the disease, allowing your lawn to recover.

Lawn disease comes in many forms, it’s generally caused by fungus which attacks the grass and deprives it of vital nutrients. Disease will weaken the grass plant, cause discolouration, and ultimately kill your lawn. That’s why lawn fungus control is essential to maintain a healthy lawn. Infections can occur at any time of the year but are most likely to appear during warm and wet periods.

We’ve listed the most common lawn diseases found in the UK, making it easier for you to identify them and take the necessary steps for effective lawn disease control.

 red tips on grass leaves, Red Thread, lawn disease treatment, lawn disease control, grass diseases

Red Thread

Recognised by a pink/reddish tint on the grass, very fine needles can be seen protruding from the grass blades. In severe cases you’ll see pink mycelium, almost like small flocks of cotton wool.

Patches of brown rings on a garden lawn. Fusarium Patch, lawn disease treatment, lawn disease control, grass diseases

MicrodochiumPatch (Fusarium): 

This is another common lawn disease, it appears in small, circular, yellow patches which can spread up to about 30cms in diameter. Once established, the patches turn a yellow/brown colour and in severe cases can kill the grass. When the disease becomes inactive, the area appears pale and straw-like.

Patches of white spots on a winter lawn (snow mould), grass disease pictures, lawn disease pictures, lawn fungus identification


Very closely related to Microdochium Patch (Fusarium) is Snow Mould, another cool weather disease that thrives in lawns with poor air circulation. The fungus produces white, dish-like patches which, in severe cases, can turn pink.

patches of white or dead grass in lawn, dollarspot, grass disease pictures, lawn disease pictures, lawn fungus identification


Patches are usually very distinctive and often circular, and can combine to form large, affected areas. Within the patches, dead grass is bleached white or straw coloured and they may also be sunken.

Lawn Disease Management is included in our Ultimate Programme but is also available as a separate treatment to any of our customers on our Standard or Basic Programmes.

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