GreenThumb Weeds


What are lawn weeds and why are they a problem?

Lawn weeds are unwanted plants that grow alongside your desired grass. They can quickly take over your lawn, competing for nutrients, water, and sunlight. Not only do they ruin the appearance of your garden, but they also pose a threat to the health of your grass. One significant issue with lawn weeds is their rapid spread. If left untreated, they can quickly take over your entire lawn. 

Preventing Lawn Weeds

When it comes to maintaining a beautiful and healthy lawn, one of the biggest challenges is dealing with grass weeds. There are some misconceptions about lawn weed control. For instance, pulling weeds by hand often fails to address the root cause. Similarly, mowing the lawn very short can weaken the grass, making it more vulnerable to weed invasion. Fortunately, there are several effective practices you can implement to prevent weed growth and maintain a weed-free lawn.

Proper lawn maintenance is crucial in preventing weed growth. Regular mowing at the appropriate height helps to keep your grass healthy and dense, leaving less room for weeds to take root. It is recommended to mow your lawn at a height of about 2-3 inches, as this promotes stronger root growth and shades the soil, making it harder for weeds to germinate.

Another important factor in preventing weeds in grass is choosing the right grass type for your region. Different grass species have varying levels of resistance to weeds, so selecting a grass type that is well-suited to your climate and soil conditions can make a significant difference, consulting with your local GreenThumb branch will help you make an informed decision on the most suitable grass seed for your lawn.

Additionally, the proper use of fertilisers and herbicides can play a crucial role in preventing weed growth, which is where GreenThumb come in.

Do GreenThumb's treatments deal with my weeds?

Of course, and generally you can expect over half of your weeds to die-off in any one treatment. So after three or four treatments, most of your lawn weeds will have disappeared.

However, it is a never-ending battle to keep your grass weed-free as seeds lie dormant and others are blown in from neighbouring locations, ongoing treatments are always necessary.

There are numerous types of lawn weeds that you may encounter in your garden. Below is a selection of the most common lawn weeds, although your local operative will be able to advise you as and when they carry out a lawn analysis if you have anything more 'exotic'.

creeping buttercup in a garden

Creeping Buttercup

Scientific Name: Ranunculus repens

Creeping lawn weed that flowers fairly early on in the year, around April time and has vigorous rooting runners; common in damp lawns and clay soils.

Lesser Celandine within a lawn

Lesser Celandine

Scientific Name: Ranunculus ficaria

A low growing perennial with heart shaped leaves. Flowers between February and May with a single yellow flower which only opens in bright sunshine.

white clover in grass

White Clover

Scientific Name: Trifolium repens

The bane of many gardeners' lawns, this weed has rooting stems which creep along the soil surface. Flowers are white and appear between May and October.

daises within grass


Scientific Name: Bellis perennis

One of the most common, and popular, lawn weeds, the daisy is a tufted perennial with tightly packed flowers. The flowers appear all through the year, peaking towards the late spring, and have a yellow central disk with white petals.

yellow dandelion in the lawn


Scientific Name: Taraxacum officinale

Easily recognised dandelion lawn weed with a single, solitary yellow flower, which sits on a fairly weak hollow stalk, and flowers from March to October.

plantain within the lawn


Scientific Name: Plantago lanceolata/major

There are various species of plantain, which are common on bare ground but equally happy on grassland. This broad leaf green weed grows close to the ground and is tolerant to trampling and mowing.

germander slender speedwell

Germander slender speedwell

Scientific Name: Veronica Chamaedrys

Very common in amenity grassland and turf, with creeping stems and small lilac flowers, with a white centre; flowers from April to June.

lesser trefoil

Lesser trefoil

Scientific Name: Trifolium dubium

Low growing but can reach lengths of up to 50cm. Observed as 3 small, oval leaves and a tiny yellow flower in lawn, which appears between May and August.