GreenThumb NutraGreen Spring Ready

The best possible start to the year


  • Controlled-release fertiliser
  • Micronutrient feed to control moss


  • January - March


  • Encourages regulated growth and colour
  • Helps with moss management and weed control when appropriate

Awaken your lawn from its winter slumber


Awaken your lawn from its winter slumber with our innovative NutraGreen ‘Spring Ready’ Treatment. Our unique fertiliser only releases when the combination of moisture and soil temperatures are just right. This intelligent design has been specially created exclusively for GreenThumb customers; our lovely lawns are the only ones to benefit from it.

Our ‘Spring Ready’ Treatment can endure snow, frost, and even heavy rain on your lawn as it lies dormant waiting for the most effective time to release nutrients. Subsequent cold weather snaps will halt the fertiliser release so no need to worry about flushes of growth at the wrong time of the year.

Fertilising your lawn in spring with our ‘Spring Ready Treatment’ is beneficial for several reasons:

  • Promotes Growth: It provides essential nutrients to support the rapid growth phase of grass as it emerges from dormancy, making it the best spring lawn treatment for early season lawn care.
  • Enhances Colour: It also helps to enhance the colour of the grass, giving your lawn a lush, vibrant green appearance, an ideal start for caring for your lawn in spring.
  • Strengthens Roots: Our early spring lawn treatment encourages root development, helping the grass establish a strong root system to withstand summer stresses such as heat and drought.
  • Recovery from Winter Damage: Fertilising in spring aids in the recovery of any winter damage, such as snow mould, by promoting new growth and overall turf health, making it the best thing to do for lawn in spring.

We also apply a micronutrient feed that promotes greening up of the grass, while also inhibiting moss activity.

Starting from March onwards, when weed growth becomes noticeable, we implement targeted weed control measures to maintain the health and appearance of your lawn. Our approach involves carefully target spraying weeds which is better for the environment. By proactively addressing weed growth during this time, we aim to prevent their proliferation and ensure that your lawn remains lush, green, and free from unsightly intruders throughout the growing season. This is part of our spring lawn care plan and best lawn treatment for spring.

Spring is a good time of the year to have Aeration and Scarification. If it’s not included in your treatment programme, why not add it on or join our Standard or Ultimate programmes where it is included. Spring lawn care services like aeration can help improve the health of your lawn. Spring lawn repair and spring lawn restoration are also essential to fixing and revitalising your grass.

For Spring Care Tips and more information on our NutraGreen Spring Ready Treatment please click here

Watch our Rules of Thumb video on 'Spring Ready'

Frequently Asked Questions

Is your Spring Ready Treatment safe for children and pets?

We recommend that you keep off the lawn until any liquid part of
the treatments have dried (approx. 2 hours). It stops it being walked off. We also suggest that grazing pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs should be kept off the lawn for a minimum of two weeks or three cuts, whichever occurs latest.

Why should I use GreenThumb rather than one of your competitors?

Exclusively for our customers, NutraGreen feeds are manufactured to our specifications based on decades of experience and millions of treatments. Our competitors buy ‘on the shelf’ products from distributors. Our treatments are carried out by around 1000 ‘local to you’ men and women who build our national reputation by providing great service. Each treatment we apply is tailored to each lawn, every time.

What can I expect after my Spring Treatment?

As with all our seasonal treatments, you should avoid mowing your lawn for three days before and three days after our visit.

You should also follow our lawn mowing and watering advice to ensure your treatments are effective.

When should I start mowing my lawn in Spring?

In spring, you should start mowing your lawn when the grass begins to actively grow. This typically occurs when temperatures consistently reach around 10°C . Keep an eye on the growth of your grass, and once it reaches a height of around 50-60mm
(2-3”), it's usually a good time to start mowing. Be sure not to mow more than one-quarter of the grass blade's height in a single mowing session to avoid
stressing the lawn.

  • Moss

    Homeowners complain more about moss on their lawn than any other lawn problem.

    Read more
  • Weeds

    Daisies, dandelions, clover, buttercups.  All very nice in a meadow, but not in the middle of your lawn. 

    Read more

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